Answer the questions below and compare your answers with your classmates. Write your answers in your notebooks. Collect the best answers and post them on your noticeboard.
Odgovori na vprašanja in odgovore primerjaj s sošolci. Odgovore zapiši v zvezek. Zberi odgovore in najboljše nalepi na oglasno desko.
Yes |
Partially |
No |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Click the images and solve questions. Work in groups of four and write the answer on a sheet of paper. Swap your answer sheets and check the answers. The group with the highest score is the winner.
S klikom na slike se ti bodo odprla vprašanja. V skupini štirih učencev napišite odgovore na list papirja. Zamenjajte liste z odgovori z drugo skupino in jih preverite. Skupina z največ pravilnimi odgovori je zmagovalec.