Has anything funny or sad happened to you or somebody you know on a bus, a train or using any other means of transport? Write 150-200 words about it. In your text,
Show the text to your teacher.
Ali se je tudi tebi ali komu, ki ga poznaš, na avtobusu, vlaku ali katerem drugem transportnem sredstvu zgodilo kaj smešnega ali žalostega? Napiši besedilo o tem, dolgo 150 do 200 besed. Opiši:
- kaj se je zgodilo,
- kdaj se je to zgodilo,
- kdo so bili vpleteni ljudje,
- kako si se počutil/a,
- izrazi mnenje o dogodku.
Besedilo pokaži učitelju.
Rewrite the story from Muki's point of view. Write about 150-200 words. Show the text to your teacher.
Ponovno napiši zgodbo z Mukijevega stališča. Napiši okoli 150 do 200 besed. Besedilo pokaži učitelju.
Yes |
Partially |
No |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Look at the unusual public signs below. Talk to your classmate about what its message is and why did they make it in the first place. Surf the net and try to find some other unusual signs. Share them in class.
Oglej si spodnja nenavadna znaka. Pogovori se s sošolcem/sošolko, kaj sporočata, in skušaj ugotoviti, kako je tak znak nastal. Pobrskajta po spletu in skušajta poiskati še kakšne nenavadne znake. Pokažita jih sošolcem.