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Practice makes perfect

You have met the four friends in the story. Before you listen to the story one more time (you find it on the right), read the questions and the choices carefully. Then listen to the story and drag the correct answers next to the questions. Namig

Anna writes a diary every day. First she puts in it some basic information about Alexander, who she met on the first school day. Next day Luke tells his friends some other details about Alexander. Before you listen, read her notes. Then listen to the story, read Luke's description and complete her diary. Namig

Luke's description: He has two older brothers. They are twins, Bob and Bill. They all love adventure sports, like skateboarding, kitesurfing, mountain biking and windsurfing. Therefore they have to eat healthy food. Alexander likes apples, which are his favourite fruit. He knows the saying: ′An apple a day keeps the doctor away′. He likes listening to rock music and he wants to be an airline pilot in the future. He is the owner of several aircraft model kits, like a Spektrum DX7 and Multiplex Easy Star setup. It’s fun to fly them.


Anna has also written a short description of Alexander in her diary. How would you describe him in your diary? Use the information from his personal chart and write your own description. Show it to your teacher. Namig
