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Here you can find several activities which help you to practise introducing a person. This may help you to introduce yourself or your friends when you travel abroad or visit some summer students' exchange camps.
You can do all the activities or choose some of them. It is up to you.

All about you

Below you can find two similar activities. Choose ONE. Namig

Prepare a short (interactive) presentation of yourself, your personal page: describe yourself, present your age, hobbies, interests, education, personal aims. Use Web 2.0 applications, such as Glogster, Prezi, Animoto or Flixtime, and add some information, pictures, videos (recorded with your own camera), or any other elements important to you. Present your personal profile to your friends and to your teacher. Namig

Prepare a short (graphical) presentation of yourself, your personal poster (describe yourself, present your age, hobbies, interests, education, personal aims). Use posters, magazines, pictures and/or comics, paper, pens, scissors but do not mention your name. Place the poster of you and your school friends on the wall of your classroom. Your friends will guess which poster presents which of your classmates. After the author of the poster is discovered the author is asked to present the poster. Namig

A Celebrity

With a friend, choose a celebrity you like, and search some websites about him or her. Then, write down some key points about your celebrity (e.g. write a mind map, take notes on important dates, events, characteristics, hobbies, ...).
Prepare a virtual interview with the celebrity. Present the celebrity’s personality, character, family, favourite hobbies, interests and current activities. Role-play an interview with your friend: one is the interviewer and the other is the celebrity. Namig

Write three more riddles like that in your notebooks. Your classmates will guess. Namig

Asking questions

Imagine, that you are a friend of the characters in the story. You meet Alexander in the classroom. You have a lot of questions for your new friend. What would you ask him? Write a list of questions about his family, friends, free time activities, favourite things... Namig


E.g. You: What is your hobby?
