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Do the quiz and find out how good is your history. Prevod


Often mistakenly believed as a Caesar, he was not one. He was a brilliant commander and a popular politician at the end of the Roman Republic. He became dictator of the Roman Republic for life. He was killed by his enemies.


Did You Know?

Some interesting facts on famous people in history Prevod

  • Christopher Columbus never completed the task of finding a shorter way to India so he was not considered a hero in his own days. In 1506, he died in poverty in Spain.
  • American presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned a large number of slaves who worked on their plantations.
  • When Albert Einstein died, his final words, which were in German, died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand the language.
  • Marie Currie, who twice won the Nobel Prize, and discovered radium, was not allowed to become a member of the prestigious French Academy because she was a woman.
  • Lady Astor once said to Winston Churchill, “If you were my husband, I would poison your coffee.” He answered, “If you were my wife, I would drink it.”

How many things were new for you? What fact was the most surprising?
