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Elisabeth I of England

Vasco da Gama

Johannes Gutenberg

Francesco Petrarca

Louis XIV – the Sun King

Amerigo Vespucci

Leonardo da Vinci

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Empress and Queen Maria Theresa

Marco Polo

Isaac Newton

Primož Trubar

Choose an individual from the grid and describe him/her to your school mate. She or he has to guess the famous person. The questions Who? When? Where? What? How and why? might help. Search the internet if you do not know an individual or if you want to find out more about him or her. Prevod

Why do you think certain individuals have been ‘famous’, and therefore ‘remembered’. Prevod

Find out some important facts about a famous individual from your local history (for example from your school, a famous former pupil, a notable individual from your or a neighbouring town). Prevod

a) Think about how and why this person has affected the local people.

b) Describe some interesting events, facts and anecdotes, too.

c) Write a report (80 - 100 words). Show the text to your teacher.

Listen to the story and drag the answers to the correct questions. Prevod


