The friends from Class 8 are watching the news and they hear a report about this amazing story.
Josy Read, a high school teenager from the USA, had been assigned to write a project about a famous former pupil from her school. She sat behind her computer searching for information to write a report about this individual.
When she finished writing she decided to read one of the blogs she liked to participate in. Josy had followed the girl’s blog for some time. She knew the girl only by her first name. Josy had read a number of bullying messages from other blog users and she felt the girl’s depression.
On April 24th at 5 pm, Josy read the following message on a blog: "I am going to end my life. There is no other option”. Josy knew that this teenager had been fighting with this for some time and instinctively knew that she had to take this note seriously.
First she contacted a suicide hotline, but because she only knew the girl's her first name and the link to her blog, they told her to contact the police.
Then Josy talked to the patrol officer Kate Newman, a police veteran.
Mrs Newman immediately started to search the blog. She found the picture of the teenage girl and the school she attended, about 1500 kilometres away.
Therefore Mrs Newman contacted the high school resource officer who did not recognize her picture.
The officer did not know what to do, so he called the High School Principal, who also did not know the girl. But the principal searched the web and she had found the Facebook account matching the girl's picture and her last name. She had also found her home address.
Mrs Newman then called the local police who sent two officers to the girl’s home address. Six hours after the search began, the officers found the teenage girl unconscious in her bed, after swallowing a bottle of prescription pills.
An ambulance took the teenager to the local hospital.
The girl is now recovering with the help of professionals and the support from her family. She told Josy: “I’m sorry for all this mess. I am glad to survive this event and that I have found a good friend.“
“WOW! What a nice feeling to know that I saved someone’s life from thousands of kilometres away,” Josy Read said to the TV reporter at the end of this happening.
Think of the ways in which you could be more like Josy or some other heroes or heroines who saved someone’s life. In which situations you could be brave or help others even if it is scary?
Think of reasons why Josy became number one news on TV.
Razmisli o načinih, kako bi lahko postal/a kot Josy ali drugi junaki oziroma junakinje, ki so nekomu rešili življenje. V kakšnih situacijah bi lahko bil/a pogumen/a in pomagal/a drugim, četudi je nevarno?
Razmisli o vzrokih, zakaj je Josy postala glavna novica na televiziji.
Zapiši jih.