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In the following text there are two words underlined. Why? What is the difference between them? Prevod



A Killer Plant


Do you like this beautiful, but exceedingly toxic plant, commonly named as Monkshood?

In the past people believed, that the poison collected from Monkshood was used to kill wolves and mad dogs, therefore it is also known as Wolfsbane or Dogsbane. All parts of the plant are poisonous, therefore you should always be extremely careful when touching it. You should always wear gloves, touch it carefully, and wash your hands. Even a mild dose of its poison can cause a serious allergic reaction and you need medical treatment.

The symptoms of being seriously poisoned are unpleasant burnings inside the mouth, chronic dizziness, headaches and throwing up.

In the text on the left find all adjectives. Then, form a few sentences about this killer plant, using adjectives found in the text and add your own adverbs. Prevod

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in the brackets. Prevod

