To activate your body and brain do some brain gym activities.
Da pospešiš delovanje svojega telesa in možganov, naredi nekaj aktivnosti za možgane.
First drink a cup of fresh water. This gives you energy.
Then walk or march on the spot for two minutes. As you march touch your right knee with your left hand, then touch your left knee with your right hand. This activity activates both sides of your brain and you can learn faster.
Razmisli o sebi:
Kdo, meniš, je bolj telesno zdrav od tebe?
Kako veš?
Je to zato, ker teče hitreje kot ti oziroma ker se v svojem prostem času ukvarja z različnimi zdravimi aktivnostmi?
Zapiši vse telesne aktivnosti, ki jih izvedeš v tednu. Ali jih lahko narediš, ne da bi se utrudil?
Yes |
Partially |
No |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Content/Organization | |||
What I like best about my writing is … | |||
My writing: | |||
involves an introduction | |||
presents the main idea | |||
expresses my views, thoughts, feelings, or examples | |||
involves an ending | |||
Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling | |||
I have used correct tenses (e.g. Present Perfect Tense). | |||
I have used a lot of different words. | |||
I have checked my spelling. | |||
I have checked my punctuation. | |||
Style | |||
I have used a formal style (no dialect) of writing. | |||
I have used ideas, opinions, specific details and the reader understands them. |
Step Test
I found a step. Firstly, I measured my starting pulse and put it in the table. Then I stepped up and down for 2 minutes. At the end of 2 minutes I stopped and measured my end pulse. Then I sit on the bench and waited exactly one minute and I took my pulse rate for 30 seconds to get beats per minute. Finally, I performed the calculation: length of exercise in seconds (2x60 seconds) x 100 divided by pulse count x 2. I compared my result with the result of my friend(s) to see who is the fittest in our group.
1 |
2 |
Sit and Reach Test
I sit on the floor with legs out and feet straight ahead. Both knees touched the floor. I touched my toes and feet with my fingertips. With my both hands I reached forward as far as possible. One reach is held for at least two seconds while the distance is recorded. I stretched my body toward my toes 36 times. Great! I am proud of myself.
60 metre Sprint Test
I did some warm-up exercises for 3 – 5 minutes. My friend marked out a 60 metre straight section. I sprinted the 60m from a sprint start with a start command (on your marks, set, "GO"). My friend recorded the time after 30 seconds and after 60 seconds. We analysed the results with other school mates. I know I did my best but I scored average results. I have to practice more to improve my sprint speed.
Test some health related activities. Protocol your feelings, body movements, thoughts and results while doing the three exercises.
Preizkusi nekaj dejavnosti za svoje zdravje. Pri izvajanju vseh treh aktivnosti spremljaj svoja občutja, telesno gibanje, misli in rezultate.
Health Related Exercise Activities
Step Test |
Sit and Reach Test |
60 metre Sprint |