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Brain Gym

To activate your body and brain do some brain gym activities. Prevod

First drink a cup of fresh water. This gives you energy.

Then walk or march on the spot for two minutes. As you march touch your right knee with your left hand, then touch your left knee with your right hand. This activity activates both sides of your brain and you can learn faster.

Think about yourself: Prevod

  • Who do you think is fitter than you in your class?
  • How do you know?
  • Is it because they can run faster than you or they do different healthy activities in their free time?

  • Write down all the physical activities that you do in a typical week. Can you do this without getting tired? Prevod

  • Write down at least 3 reasons why you should do physical activity? Prevod

  • Think about your medical condition, e.g. a heart condition, have you had a cold or flu or a virus in the last four weeks? Do you have high or low blood pressure? Do you experience chest pains? Do you have any injuries, diabetes or asthma? Write down your ideas how you can start to increase your physical activity. Prevod

Test some health related activities. Protocol your feelings, body movements, thoughts and results while doing the three exercises. Prevod

  • Use a step. Jump up and down for 2 minutes.
  • Sit on the floor. Stretch your body toward your toes as far as you can. Do it as many times as you can.
  • Sprint 60 meters.


Health Related Exercise Activities

Fitness Test

Step Test

Flexibility Test

Sit and Reach Test

Speed Test

60 metre Sprint
