To delo je na voljo pod pogoji slovenske licence Creative Commons 2.5:

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Celotna licenca je na voljo na spletu na naslovu V skladu s to licenco je dovoljeno vsakemu uporabniku delo razmnoževati, distribuirati, javno priobčevati, dajati v najem in tudi predelovati, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene in ob pogoju, da navede avtorja oziroma avtorje in izdajatelja tega dela. Če uporabnik delo predela, kar pomeni, da ga spremeni, preoblikuje, prevede ali uporabi to delo v svojem delu, lahko predelavo dela ponudi na voljo le pod pogoji, ki so enaki pogojem iz te licence oziroma pod enako licenco.

Click the correct word to complete the sentence. Prevod


Hi! Here is a game called Linking game.

You will have 30, 15 or 10 seconds for selecting the right word that fits into the sentence above the words. This depends on the difficulty level that you select. If you do not find the correct word or if you select the wrong one you will see the right answer.

When you have finished, you can always restart the game! Namig

Please select the difficulty for the game:

In class, talk about the extreme sport that you know, like or practice. The questions below may help you. Prevod

What kind of an extreme sport is it (team, individual, water, …)?
What is this extreme sport like?
What equipment do you need for this extreme sport?
Are there any special skills you need to have?
What are the rules of this extreme sport?

What are your experiences with extreme sports and what is your opinion about them? Study the sentences below and then form sentences. Use the prompts in the box. Share your experience with your classmates. Prevod


  • I have already tried zorbing. It’s fun.
  • I have never played zorb soccer but I would like to. It sounds exciting. 
  • Have you ever gone scuba diving? It’s a challenging sport. You should go for it. 


Extreme sports


Zip lining

Wall climbing



Ice climbing









