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A Travelogue
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to:

a. Write down at least 5 reasons why people travel around the world. If possible, compare your ideas with a partner.
b. Make your own list of three favourite reasons for travelling around the world and tell some examples to support your reasons.

Choose the answer which best suits you: Prevod

Now compare your answers with a friend’s. Do you think your answers mean ...:
a.    You are an adventure traveller, with a great love of the outdoors, nature, and a passion for new experiences.
b.    You are a luxury traveller and you want the best of everything.
c.    You are a romantic traveller, so you are happy when it is just you and your sweetheart on vacation with no distractions.
d.    You are a budget traveller. You’ve got big dreams but a small amount of cash to spend. Yet that doesn’t stop you.
Give some examples to support your choice.
