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Celotna licenca je na voljo na spletu na naslovu V skladu s to licenco je dovoljeno vsakemu uporabniku delo razmnoževati, distribuirati, javno priobčevati, dajati v najem in tudi predelovati, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene in ob pogoju, da navede avtorja oziroma avtorje in izdajatelja tega dela. Če uporabnik delo predela, kar pomeni, da ga spremeni, preoblikuje, prevede ali uporabi to delo v svojem delu, lahko predelavo dela ponudi na voljo le pod pogoji, ki so enaki pogojem iz te licence oziroma pod enako licenco.

In the previous story our four friends visited the Natural Discovery Expo. They collected a lot of flyers, leaflets and booklets. What do you think, what kind of information did they collect?
Imagine, that you visited the Expo, how would you organize the material into some kind of order to find the most useful information?

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: Prevod



1. Why does Anna feel miserable?
2. How does Luke help?
3. What does Maya suggest?
4. How does Anna react? Give example.
5. What happens in the end?

Imagine, that you sit with the four friends in Anna’s bedroom. What would you suggest to Anna how to solve her problem? What do you think why does Anna let out a shout of triumph in the end? Prevod

Then, write a short dialog between Anna and you, after she lets out a shout of triumph. Prevod

The four friends used some language phrases and vocabulary in their story. Practise them and match them to their descriptions. Prevod
