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City Life versus Country Life

You are going to write your own poem about urban or rural community (city or country life). To make it easier for you, follow the steps. Prevod

  • Have a second look at the video clip presenting the two communities. 
  • What did you see, hear or feel when observing these images? Which emotions did you experience?
  • First, write a list of words (nouns only) that are typical for both communities.
  • Then, write a list of words (adjectives only) that describe them.
  • Finally, write a list of words (verbs only) that describe actions of the urban and rural communities.
  • Write down some combinations of the words. 
  • Choose the best and create your own poem. Present it to your friends.

Let’s practise some prepositions of place in English and have fun while you learn them. Prevod

Form sentences

Put the following words in the right order and form a sentence.

When you have finished, you can always restart the game! Namig

Click on the button to start the game:
