To improve your spelling, practice the words. Find a missing letter. First, drag the letter to make as many words as you can. Then, find a word with similar letters. Finally, form a short text using as many new words as you can.
Utrjuj besedišče, da si izboljšaš pravopis. Najdi manjkajočo črko. Najprej povleci ustrezno črko in tvori besedo. Nato poišči besedo s podobnim zapisom. Nazadnje tvori kratko besedilo, kjer boš uporabil čim več svojih besed.
Here you can find some examples:
Your words |
house |
sound |
count |
out |
yourself |
town |
now |
cow |
down |
owl |
good |
book |
hook |
look |
cook |
head |
dead |
bread |
spread |
deaf |
try |
sky |
dry |
fly |
my |
night |
fight |
right |
bright |
delight |
chat |
cheat |
chin |
chest |
chop |
this |
that |
bath |
math |
theme |
fish |
wish |
shop |
shut |
ship |
back |
check |
clock |
duck |
lack |
bell |
shell |
hill |
mill |
drill |
play |
spray |
way |
stay |
gay |
knee |
know |
knife |
knock |
knight |
Here you find yourself in a small, quiet living room. You look through the window and you see a little owl on a big tree. ...
In Unit 6 you have learnt about things people used to like and used to do but no longer perform in the present. Let’s practice the form ‘used to’. Complete the sentences with the suitable form of ‘used to’ . Choose the correct language structure.
V Enoti 6 si se učil/a o stvareh, ki so ljudem včasih bile všeč in so jih naredili, a jih sedaj ne počnejo več. Utrjuj jezikovno strukturo ‘used to’. Dopolni spodnje povedi z ustrezno strukturo ‘used to’. Izberi ustrezno jezikovno strukturo.