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What is the average UK family like? In small groups, look at the statements and try to guess which of the three answers is correct. The Family, Marital status and Children charts below can help you.

In the United Kingdom in 2013, about {70;30;20} percent of the families consisted of a married couple with or without children.
In 2013, the number of single-parents with children was {higher_than;the_same_as;lower_than} in 2003.
The Office for National Statistics predicts that approximately {40%;20%;70%} of marriages will end in divorce in England and Wales.
In 2003, the number of cohabiting couple families was 2.2 million in 2003. Ten years later, in 2013, the figure was almost {3;1;4} million.
In 2012, the average number of children per family was {1.7;1.2;2.6} .
The number of young people aged between 20 and 34 years living with their parents increased by {25%;5%;55%} from 1996 to 2013.

In the statements about family statistics in the UK, find words that mean the same as the ones below. Fill in the gaps.

 % = percent
prognosticate = predict
around = approximately
number = figure
  common or typical = average
for each = per
become bigger = increase
nearly = almost  

Can you tell the difference between England and the United Kingdom? Drag the names to the corresponding maps. Click ‘Find Out’ to learn about the parts of the UK.

England Scotland Wales GB the UK

Now, in pairs, interpret the chart about divorces in Slovenia. Compare the figures with those in the UK.

Find similar statistics on families in Slovenia and discuss them in pairs. Do a Google search for the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Look for information on marriage, divorce, and children.
