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Visiting a family and learning about them is interesting. Find out about Jennifer's experience. Read the instruction first and then, do the listening exercise. 

Bruce is Ricky's {uncle;brother;cousin} . He is {married;divorced;single} .

Lynn is Ricky's {stepsister;sister;stepmother} and is {engaged;single;married} .

'Nana' is Ricky's {grandmother;sister;stepmother} and she is a {widow;fiancé;mother-in-law} .

Joshua is Ricky's {cousin;nephew;niece} and he is a small {child;baby;toddler} .

Ricky is writing Jennifer a thank-you email in which he talks about his family. Read the email and pay special attention to the expressions and spelling. Ricky made nine mistakes. Find and click them, then, write the corrections in your notebook.

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks a lot for coming and staying with my family. I'm so happy you met them. Now you'll know who's who when I talk about them. Next time I'll show you our family album with a few very old photos so that you can see some of my descendants, too. Especially the funny photo in which both of my grandparent's are dressed as clowns. The photo is a family treasure. ;-)
It's a pity you haven't met my brother Ted. He's our age and I'm sure you'd like him. He is progressive and doesn't want to get officially married, so he and Sandy are a modern separated couple.
But you met my niece Joshua. What a spoilt little boy he is, don't you agree? Bruce and Susan buy him and his twin sisters tons of toys. But who's parents don't spoil their children nowadays? By the way, did you know our schoolmate Cathy is their childrens' babysitter? That's because Bruce's and Susan's house is opposite Cathys'.
I'm glad you heard Lynns story. She tells it only to people she's very fond of. And my parents like you very much, too. They said you must come again soon. Well, if you like Nana's roast potatoes recipe, come next Sunday because we'll be roasting potatoes. Again. :-)

