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Talk in groups and answer these questions.
• What is the ideal day with your family like? Where are you? What are you doing?
• What family moments will you remember in, say, 50 years' time?
• What will your parents or caregiver remember about your childhood and teen years?
Read the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. Why does he want his mother to read his poems? What will she remember when she reads them?

To My Mother
by Robert Louis Stevenson

You too, my mother, read my rhymes
For love of unforgotten times,
And you may chance to hear once more
The little feet along the floor.

Write your version of the poem. Change the last verse (or the whole rhyme if you like). You can be sentimental or funny, it's up to you.

Think of a past event or habit related to your family that is a beautiful memory. What was it? Where did it happen? Who was present? Why is it a pleasant memory?
Share your memory with a partner. Ask each other questions, express opinions, and make comments.

You probably know Ivan Cankar’s short story A Cup of Coffee. Read an extract from it in English below. 

The story ends with the narrator being very sorry and unhappy about his reaction. If he could rewind the time and go back to the moment when his mother had brought him coffee, what should he have said?
Have a go and write your ending of the short story. Continue form:

I heard light steps on the stairs...
Have you ever offended one of your family members? When was it? What happened?
Tell your partner. You can start with:

I remember. . .
I will never forget. . .
I recall. . .
Discuss in pairs what you should do or say in these situations.
• You forgot your freind's birthday.
• You broke your mother's favourite vase.
• You were late for school.
• You were 30 minutes late for the family Sunday dinner.
• You lost your friend's concert tickets.
