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In pairs, look at the photos and name the activities.
Which of them are typically rural and which are typically urban?
Are there any that can be done in both environments?
Do you think activities differ in different countries too?

Now, write down what city and country teenagers can or can't do.

City teenagers

Country teenagers


Sandra and Mia are teenagers who live in different environments. Read about their weekends.

I live in a city and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. During weekdays, I go to school and to ballet practices, but at weekends I stay at home and unwind. On Saturday mornings, I get up late, at 10 a.m., because on Friday evenings, I often go out with my friends. I would gladly sleep longer, but mum insists I have to help her with household chores; I vacuum the floor and mum mops it, I dust the furniture in the living room and tidy up my room. After lunch, my boyfriend Tim comes and we go out to meet our friends or we go to the mall and have a chocolate cake and some soda.

I don’t do much on Sunday mornings, I read books or fashion magazines, sometimes I prepare things for school, and then I have to help mum with lunch. I set the table and prepare the drinks. I don’t mind doing that, but I don't like doing the washing up. In the afternoon, I meet Tim again. We often take a stroll to the old part of the city, we window-shop, fantasize about the future, and before we know it’s Monday morning again.
