To delo je na voljo pod pogoji slovenske licence Creative Commons 2.5:

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Celotna licenca je na voljo na spletu na naslovu V skladu s to licenco je dovoljeno vsakemu uporabniku delo razmnoževati, distribuirati, javno priobčevati, dajati v najem in tudi predelovati, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene in ob pogoju, da navede avtorja oziroma avtorje in izdajatelja tega dela. Če uporabnik delo predela, kar pomeni, da ga spremeni, preoblikuje, prevede ali uporabi to delo v svojem delu, lahko predelavo dela ponudi na voljo le pod pogoji, ki so enaki pogojem iz te licence oziroma pod enako licenco.

First, read and drag and drop the missing words to the right place.


street public countries money drink world children ancient buskers anything entertaining juggling musical poetry called

performance or busking is the practice of performing in places, for gratuities . In many the rewards are generally in the form of but other gratuities such as food, or gifts may be given. Street performance is practiced all over the by men, women, and and dates back to times. In English speaking countries people engaging in this practice are street performers or . Performances can be just about that people find . Performers may do acrobatics, animal tricks, card tricks, caricatures, clowning, comedy, dance, singing, fire skills, , magic, mime, living statue, performance, or reciting or prose, etc...


Next, choose the right answers to the questions about the topic above.

Where do street performers perform? {In_public_places.;In_the_form_of_money.;Anything_entertaining.}

How are they generally rewarded? {In_the_form_of_money.;Food,_drinks,_or_gifts.;Man,_women_and_children.}

What can other gratuites be? {Food,_drinks_or_gifts.;Anything_entertaining.;Buskers.}

Who is street performance practiced by? {Man,_women_and_children.;Anything_enetrtaining.;Food,_drinks_or_gifts.}

How are these people called in English speaking countries? {Buskers.;Anything_enetrtaining.;Food,_drinks,_or_gifts.}

What are performances about? {Anything_entertaining.;Food,_drinks,_or_gifts.;Buskers.}


Fill in the gaps with the following terms:

Greg scored two goals at yesterday's soccer practice .
The girls are working really hard at ballet practice these days because of Monday's premiere of The Swan Lake.
They sing in church on Sundays but their choir practice is on Wednesday evening.
I want my son to spend more time outdoors doing hiking, fishing, camping... I'll try to encourage him to take up scouting .
He's playing Beethoven's piano sonata because he is practicing for his piano course .
Jenny absolutely adores Zaz, the French singer; she has even enrolled in a French course because she wants to understand the lyrics of her songs.