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Now, listen to the second part of the article Good Night, Sleep Right.

While listening, choose the right words to complete the statements.

I don't think we start the bedtime {process;procedure} early enough.
She says that they're often still in bed at 8 a.m., when she calls to {wake;take} them for school.
Kids are on {instant;constant} messaging and they're watching television.
It's good for {psychological;physical} stress; you burn up adrenaline.

Think about your bedtime and discuss the topic with your partner. How do you prepare to go to sleep, and do your parents warn you about it?

Fill in the gaps in the questions below.

What are they doing until 9.30 p.m.?
They're watching something on TV until 9.30 p.m.

Are they getting enough sleep ?
No, they aren't. They're not getting enough sleep

What does Ms. Mercer dislike ?
Ms. Mercer dislikes the television's effect on her daughters' lives.

What does MacLusky endorse ?
He endorses regular exercise.

 Match the words with their definitions.

(adj.) happening or coming immediately
(n.) a bird of prey that is active during the night
(n.) a thing that motivates and encourages
(n.) obedience; acting according with one's command
(v.) publicly approve, support something
Število napačnih: 0

The following video explains the formation of the verbs in Present Continuous.
