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Is there anything unusual about the choice of the tense in these statements?

Stative verbs
Some English verbs which we call state, non-continuous, or stative verbs, aren’t used in continuous tenses. They express a state and not an action. Stative verbs generally fall into four groups: emotion, thought, sense, and possession or condition. A verb that isn’t stative is called a dynamic verb, and is usually an action. More about them in the ‘Grammar Log.’

 Fill in the gaps with the right verb form.

Do you see (see) what's going on there?
My friend is seeing (see) a doctor tomorrow.
Bye, see (see) you soon.
I see (see) what you mean.
I see (see) her now, she's just coming down the road.

Drag the stative verbs below in the correct group. Then, check the mind map and examples below.





love, hate, want, need, know, believe, remember, have, own, belong, see, hear, smell,

Now, match the parts of the sentences. 

I love
R & B music.
She doesn't smoke,
so she hates cigarettes.
This party is great
so we don't want to leave.
They are thirsty
so they need water.
I know by heart
all his songs.
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