To delo je na voljo pod pogoji slovenske licence Creative Commons 2.5:

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Celotna licenca je na voljo na spletu na naslovu V skladu s to licenco je dovoljeno vsakemu uporabniku delo razmnoževati, distribuirati, javno priobčevati, dajati v najem in tudi predelovati, vendar samo v nekomercialne namene in ob pogoju, da navede avtorja oziroma avtorje in izdajatelja tega dela. Če uporabnik delo predela, kar pomeni, da ga spremeni, preoblikuje, prevede ali uporabi to delo v svojem delu, lahko predelavo dela ponudi na voljo le pod pogoji, ki so enaki pogojem iz te licence oziroma pod enako licenco.

Teens are at the hostel arguing about washing the dishes. Drag the lines to the right place.

can hardly breathe shouldn't eat have to do ought to help

B: Uf, I’m so full I .
P: No wonder, you’ve eaten three portions. You so much, you’re going to gain weight if you keep up this practice. Why don’t you do the dishes to burn some of the calories?
B: No way, you know I don’t like doing the washing up.
P: I it at home and I’m doing it on this holiday. Maybe you don’t know but I’m on holiday, too.
S: Oh, come on, don’t quarrel. You each other. You know what, why don’t we all do something and then go out for a drink.
B: Good idea!

What rules do the residents of hostels have to follow? Check and read them aloud.

Type in the explanation from the text to answer the question.

What is advised not to?
Leave any valuable possessions unattended .
What is prohibited? consume any intoxicating substances .
What is not necessary to do? use your own bed linen .
What is necessary to do?
Report every case of accident or damage .

Here’s a notice from a hostel kitchen. Read it through and complete the sentences below with all suitable modal verbs.

You {can;may} use the kitchen from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
You {have_to;must} clean after yourself.
You {must;have_to} put waste in the right waste bin.
You {don't_have_to;needn't;don't_need_to} mop the floor.
The guest {should;ought_to} have equal amount of space in a cupboard.
